The Japanese Plum Blossom Called Ume

The Japanese plum is called Ume in Japan.

The Japanese plum originated from the south of China
and was later introduced to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The trees' flowering in late winter and early spring is highly regarded as a seasonal symbol.

The flowers are 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter and have a strong fragrance.
They have varying colors of white, pink and red shades.

Also, the fruit of the tree is used in juices, as a flavoring for alcohol,
as a pickle and in sauces.

Japanese plums have been cultivated for various gardens throughout East Asia.
Blossoming branches can be cut and used in flower arrangements.

When you visit Japan in late winter or early spring, you should go to the Japanese gardens.
I hope tourists will get to experience and enjoy these beautiful flowers. 

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Thank you. —Have a nice day!

P.S. This article was reviewed and edited by my English tutors.
 Thank for all your help.


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