Egawa Coast in Tokyo Bay

The Egawa Coast is located in Tokyo Bay, about 70km southeast of Tokyo.
We can see the excellent scenery of the reflections of the could on the sea look like the Uyuni Saltwater Lakes in Bolivia.

Many people in social networks commented that the scenery looked like the Uyuni Saltwater Lakes in Bolivia. When I went see the coast there were only a few people there. I was able to see the wonderful reflection of the sky on the water’s surface. There were also electric poles lined up beside the sea. It was a strange sight. 

By the way, the photo below is the Uyuni Saltwater Lakes. It was taken by my colleague when she went to Bolivia.
the Uyuni Saltwater Lakes

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Thank you. —Have a nice day!

P.S. This article was reviewed and edited by my English tutors. Thank for all your help.


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