My Roses, Parole and Rose Des 4 Vents

Parole and Rose des 4 vents was blooming in my veranda.
I wanted to describe these roses but it was difficult for me. So I searched   on the internet the definition of these roses. All About Roses ( Australia ) and Georges Delbard ( France ) were excellent and  they were well acquainted with roses. I appreciate your comment and suggestions.


Hybrid Tea Rose and also known as ‘Buxom Beauty’
Bred by Kordes, Germany and released in Australia in 2002, this is one of the largest blooms produced on any hybrid tea rose – once measured 22cms across – with huge petals of the darkest, hottest pink with a light slash of silver on some of the petals. ( from All About Roses )

Rose des 4 vents

Rose des 4 vents
Rosier with opulent flowers with deep crimson petals arise percent by heavy waves, leaving in their wake a light scent of red fruits accompanied by woody notes. The dark leaves of this rose is flexible in the wind. This rose is suitable for the composition of sumptuous bouquets, rose to head perfume on a note of raspberry background.( from Georges Delbard)

This my sentences was revised by my English tutor. Thanks for all your help.

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